Business Model Ideas
Possible Expenses
- Rent
- Building Maintenance
- Property Tax
- Insurance
- Utilities
- NWN Gas
- Trash pickup
- Internet
- Accountant / CPA
- Teachers
- Cleaning/Janitorial
- Tooling consumables
- Cleaning consumables
- New Tools!
Possible Income
- Classes
- Meeting room space
- Office space
- Personal shop space with power.
- Shop Storage space.
- Bins on shelves (Standard sized, or by Cuft?)
- Shelving (8-12 square feet per shelf unit) if you can.
- Pallet-based storage?; one pallet takes up 13 square feet.
- Other higher levels of membership
- Gallery/Display Area; Display member work, or advertise your services? Keep in mind how much space that might take up.
- Offer flexible studio space without walls, and charge by the day and by the square foot to use it for time-sensitive projects.
- Donations
- Fund Raisers
- Grants
- Sponsorships
Customer Segments
- Those who need a shop and tools
- and who might need some extra storage too
- Those who want to learn
- Those who want to teach
- Those who want to hang out with geeks
- Those who need a place to meet.
- and who might need fast internet
- or a kitchenette
- Those who need an office to launch their projects
If we have less than 8000 sqft we probably cant support an employee unless we get a grant.
Take 25-35% of your floor area and devote it to to-code fire lanes.
Seated people need a minimum of 15-40 square feet per person.
Spaces all over the world have found that quiet, noise-isolated classroom areas are invaluable if you’re offering educational programs, and require about 20-50 square feet per seated person.
Good tool to plan your shop space:
Studios: 50 square feet is the minimum size of a studio, and offer up to 250 square feet
A word of caution, though – don’t skimp on your building choice in order to pay a lower rent. Fixing broken buildings costs much, much more, over time, than renting good ones, to the point of shutting down maker-spaces that don’t acknowledge this fact. Redoing the roof of an industrial space (which usually happens once every 10-20 years) can cost upwards of $5-10 per square foot; installing a sprinkler system because the fire marshal caught you woodworking without sprinklers and threatened you with closure costs $10-15 per square foot; and repairing or replacing a broken or ineffective air conditioner with a new industrial-grade air conditioner can easily run $5,000 to $15,000 – just to name a few common building-scale maintenance expenses.
Typical membership rates vary anywhere from $40 per month for a ‘starving hacker’ membership at Noisebridge, to $175 per month at TechShop.
Treat your Hackerspace like a business, but it should not feel like a business to the members. Members want to just drop in, hack, teach, and learn. The administrators should strive to make this as easy as possible.
Eugene per-capita income: $23,869 $42,923 or is it $37,339? (Bob says median household income in 2010 was $41,326 in 2010. Source: which has many other stats.)
Here is a wealth of information.
- creating-a-business-model:
- Founding a Hackerspace: Founding_a_Hackerspace-1.pdf
- Sustainable Hackerspaces:
- Notes from a Hackerspace Panel:
- The Makerspace Chasm:
- Meeting Rooms and prices:
-- Main.ClifCox - 20 Oct 2013