EMSBo DMeeting Minutes030613

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Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 3/06/2013

Call to order:

A Regular meeting of the Board of directors of EMS, was held at 687 McKinley street, Suite #2, Eugene OR on Mar 6th , 2013. The meeting convened at 6:11 PM, Rick Osgood, presiding, and Clif Cox secretary.

Board Members in attendance: all
Board Members not in attendance: none

Quorum present? Yes

Also Present Were: Michelle

Approve agenda, and previous minutes.


  1. Approve the Agenda
  2. Review previous meeting minutes
  3. Treasurers Report
  4. Key access for Cord
  5. Reimburse Rick and Bob for Make-O-Rama expenses
  6. Recap on Make-O-Rama
  7. Insurance
  8. James's event idea
  9. Future Events

Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Clif, and seconded by Rick to approve this meeting's proposed agenda (as amended?)

Unanimous approval.

Motion carried.

Approval of minutes: Motion was made by Bob , and seconded by Rick to approve the minutes of the 2/20/13 meeting.

Unanimous approval.

Motion carried.

Officers' reports:


  • Balance about $1500
  • Members: about 27

Key Access for Cord:

MOTION - Clif moved, and Rick Seconded that:Cord Slatton-Valle get a key to the space.

Unanimous approval.

Motion Carried

Reimburse Bob and Rick for Make-O-Rama expenses

MOTION - Clif moved, and Kassie Seconded that: We Reimburse Bob for partial Make-O-Rama snack expenses totaling $49.40

Bob Abstained, the rest approved.

Motion Carried

MOTION - Bob moved, and Clif Seconded that: We Reimburse Rick for Pizza expenses totaling $71.23.

Rick Abstained, the rest approved.

Motion Carried

Recap on Make-O-Rama

It was good, we got one new sign up. We sold a tea-shit, and got a $50 donation. Though we Really Really need to work harder on advertising the event. Clif will post a draft event checklist, and Kassie will work on a greeter checklist. Greeters should have shifts, and work harder to get more sign-ups. We had some new ideas for Bobs Wall O video. Like EMS advertisements.


Clif, showed the space to our potential insurance agent today, which went well. He thinks we are still on track for a premium of around $50 / mo, and by the middle of next week we should have a concrete number. We might want to upgrade our safety tag system.We should have a laminated checklist behind each dangerous tool.

James's event idea

Hands on is important and fun! How about a power tool races? Anyway the point is to have lots more hands on events.

Future Events

Monthly Talks? One of our members wants to do a talk about sketch up, though he would like to charge for it. Lets be a venue for classes and talks by anyone. Perhaps we can get a table at the Myth-Busters roadshow. San Mateo Maker Faire. is coming up, should we have a table?

Other topics of discussion:

Fund Raising, what goals should we set to fund raise around? We could get a plastic LYMAN filament extrude, Or we could buy some misc Adriano sensors for projects.

Action Items:


  • Work on greeter check list.
  • Get fire extinguisher re-tagged.


  • Email Discuss list about maker faire and mini-maker faire


  • Post draft event checklist.


  • Wants to work on fund raising ideas.


  • Contact Space Federation on what buckets to place donations into.


Bob moved for adjournment, Seconded by Kassie

Unanimous, the meeting was adjourned at 7:43 PM.

____________________________ ___________________
Secretary Date of approval
Eugene Maker Space