EMSBo DMeeting Minutes040313
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 04/03/2013
Call to order:
A Regular meeting of the Board of directors of EMS, was held at 687 McKinley street, Suite #2, Eugene OR on April 3rd , 2013. The meeting convened at 6:19 PM, Rick Osgood, presiding, and Clif Cox secretary.
Board Members in attendance: Clif, Rick, Kassie
Board Members not in attendance: Bob, Kevin
Quorum present? Yes, Bob signed a waver ahead of time.
Also Present Were: none
Approve agenda, and previous minutes.
- Approve the agenda
- Review previous meeting minutes
- Inventory Report
- Insurance Report
- Scheduling next membership meeting
Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Rick, and seconded by Clif to approve this meeting's proposed agenda
Unanimous approval.
Motion carried.
Approval of minutes: Motion was made by Clif , and seconded by Rick to approve the minutes of the 03/06/2013 meeting.
Unanimous approval.
Motion carried.
Officers' reports:
Inventory Report
Kassie:Still waiting on the refurbished fire extinguisher. Taper may spearhead or help in inventorying the storage area.
Insurance Report
Clif: the first company our Agent tried to line up for us shied away, apparently because they didn't like the info presented to them, and we don't fit in a category they are familiar with.
Scheduling the next membership meeting
It's hard to find a good time when everyone can meet. Less than half of our members seem to respond to our doodle (scheduling request). What we got was a very slight preference for an open hack night evening, and a lessor preference for a Saturday afternoon. We decided to add a Hack your Hacker Space informal meeting the last full week of the month. If there is enough interest in having a formal general membership meeting at the end of the month then that can also happen.
Action Items:
- Keep working on the fire extinguisher.
- Email the group about the Hack your Hackerspace Idea.
- Keep working on Insurance
Clif moved for adjournment, Seconded by Kassie
Unanimous, the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 PM.
____________________________ ___________________
Secretary Date of approval
Eugene Maker Space
-- Main.ClifCox - 04 Apr 2013