EMSBo DMeeting Minutes060216
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 6/2/2016
Call to order:
A Regular meeting of the Board of directors of EMS, was held at https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g4fqvksfrwxoodrj3gkn22ei64a. The meeting convened at 6:02PM, Clif Cox presiding and Ben Hallert secretary.
Board Members in attendance: Clif, Ben, Darrell
Board Members not in attendance: Kass
Quorum present? Yes
Also Present Were: The NSA
Approve agenda, and previous minutes.
- Approve the agenda
- Approve previous meeting minutes
- President's report
- Secretary report
- Treasurer's report
Old Business - Open House Post-Mortem
- Clif Report Re: LCC Progress
New Business - Carting off old mailbox
- Laser: Next Steps
Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Clif and seconded by Darrell to approve this meeting's proposed agenda as amended
The Motion carried with unanimous approval.
Approval of minutes: Motion was made by Clif and seconded by Ben to approve the minutes of the 5/5/2016 meeting.
The Motion carried with unanimous approval.
Officer's reports:
President's report
We had an open house.
Secretary's report
Treasurer's report
We currently have 25 members. Due to the rest increase, we're still not quite breaking even but we have 7 new members. Our bank balance is ~$1,100.
Old Business:
Open House Post-Mortem
With 7 new members, it's likely that it didn't do any harm. We may have gotten one or two direct members from the open house. Clif took detailed notes so we can continue to refine the right formula for advertising/organizing. Clif got the new guest computer working too. 4GB RAM.
Clif made a pair of timelapse movies and has published them to the gallery.
ClifReport Re: LCC Progress
There hasn't been much of note re: LCC progress other than a May 26th meeting with a lot of people. The purpose of the public input portion was to convince the council that they should extend the downtown urban renewal program. There were 67 people who registered to speak at the meeting. The vast majority spoke in favor of extending it with a few opposed on the grounds that the method for securing the funds was problematic and the council had promised to finish it earlier.
The effect on the LCC project is that the funding will need to be in a large chunk and the urban renewal budget is the most likely source.
The council will not vote on this until possibly June but Clif is cautiously optimistic. Next milepost is June.
New Business
Carting off old mailbox
It has a slot on the front, shall we use it for the donation box?
ACTION: Clif will coordinate with Rick to get the old PO Box keys returned in exchange for sweet, sweet money.
Laser: Next Steps
Described the Leetro laser controller issue and the possibility of an open-source Raspberry Pi alternative.
Clif mentioned that Dale had briefed him on some needed hardware that may be the Leetro.
Clif feels we should take steps to safe the equipment, possibly in the form of an enclosure.
Ben expressed the opinion that we should find out what goggles are necessary for eye safety.
Action Items:
- Clif will coordinate with Rick to get the old PO Box keys returned in exchange for sweet, sweet money.
- Darrell will evaluate the old mailbox as a possible replacement for collecting donations
Clif moved for adjournment and was seconded by Ben.
The vote was unanimous and the meeting was adjourned a 6:33PM.
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Secretary Date of approval
Eugene Maker Space