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==Old Business/Action Item Review==
==Old Business/Action Item Review==
==Ben will provide the <6 month list to Aidan and he will contact folks with the 7/1 deadline==
===Ben will provide the <6 month list to Aidan and he will contact folks with the 7/1 deadline===
==Aidan will check out the text of the >6 month letter to OK it==
===Aidan will check out the text of the >6 month letter to OK it===
===Ben will ask Jeffrey to help remove some folks from the listserv===
===Ben will ask Jeffrey to help remove some folks from the listserv===

Revision as of 00:53, 15 August 2019

Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting August 14th, 2019

Note: These minutes have not been approved by the BoD yet, this is a draft

Call to order

6:20PM Attending: Aidan, Karen, Ben Also present: Daniel

Approve this agenda

Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the agenda as amended.

The motion was seconded by Karen.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.

Approve previous minutes

Motion: Aiden moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the minutes from the June BoD meeting as amended.

The motion was seconded by Karen.

Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.


President's report

Nothing to report.

Secretary's report

Nothing to report.

Informal Treasurer's report

Public Relations report

Shop Status report

Old Business/Action Item Review

Ben will provide the <6 month list to Aidan and he will contact folks with the 7/1 deadline

Aidan will check out the text of the >6 month letter to OK it

Ben will ask Jeffrey to help remove some folks from the listserv

And: Ben will deactivate the keys for those people

Ben will talk to the member associated with other tenant complaints about the three items agreed on by the board as documented above

Ben will ask our members to be conscious of the impact they have on surrounding businesses

It's not reasonable to expect us to be quiet, necessarily, but there's value in being aware of our impact. Also cover the subject of tarps and other steps that help us preserve the commons.

Karen will ask the membership to park friendly (and make a sign saying the same) to post internally

Patreon sign

New Business

Cleanup event followup

Harley's letter and next steps

Christina's situation and next steps

How the board handles conflict with members (load distribution)

4J Shop Deal update and planning


Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors adjourn the July meeting.

The motion was seconded by Aidan.

Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20PM.