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(Initial revision)
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Sam reported on some of the people visiting and assisting in the open shock nights. Tom Conlin has been helping to fix tools.
Sam reported on some of the people visiting and assisting in the open shock nights. Tom Conlin has been helping to fix tools.
Todd's loaned welding bench has left and we have a replacement welding table in place under loan by a new member.
Todd's loaned welding bench has left and we have a a new one was donated to the space by a member.
Another member has one in storage that he may donate, we will evaluate how we'd like to proceed.
Another member has one in storage that he may donate, we will evaluate how we'd like to proceed.
Line 53: Line 53:
The dust collector's motor is dead and they are seeking a replacement for it.
The dust collector's motor is dead and they are seeking a replacement for it.
We discussed the breaking spring mount on the
We discussed the breaking spring mount on the overhead door and the generous offer by a member to repair it. Out of an abundance of caution, we decided to reach out to the building owners.
==Old Business/Action Item Review==
==Old Business/Action Item Review==

Latest revision as of 14:46, 6 September 2024

Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting September 5th, 2024

Note: This is a draft of the minutes until accepted at the next BoD meeting

Call to order

6:18 PM

Attending: Karen, Ben, Sam, Piotr Also present: Beata joined around 7:00 PM

Approve this agenda

Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the agenda as amended .

The motion was seconded by Karen.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.

Approve previous minutes

Motion: Karen moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the minutes from the August BoD meeting as submitted.

The motion was seconded by Piotr.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.


President's report

Nothing to report.

Secretary's report

Nothing to report.

Treasurer's report

Money accounts as of 09/04/2024

Bank    $1591.42
PayPal    $48.02
Patreon   $46.40
Sum     $1685.84 (diff since Feb +$210.07 - 400.00 = - 189.93)
Note: $400.00 loan from Piotr to pay rent, see diff calculation.

Our financials are dire, to decode the above we are now $-189 a month. We will need to either secure additional funding or begin dissolution.

Piotr will check the mailbox, there may be a check for Ben's auto-sale donation. We also reviewed the status of keys for other resources including the Dropbox.

Shop status

Sam reported on some of the people visiting and assisting in the open shock nights. Tom Conlin has been helping to fix tools.

Todd's loaned welding bench has left and we have a a new one was donated to the space by a member.

Another member has one in storage that he may donate, we will evaluate how we'd like to proceed.

No update on the large laser cutter. It does not appear to have a cooling system and did not had one before it arrived. It's possible routing water in through it is the answer.

We need to haul off the remainder of the cleaning day effort.

A partially disassembled appliance (washing machine?) filled much of the dumpster last month which created some challenges.

The dust collector's motor is dead and they are seeking a replacement for it.

We discussed the breaking spring mount on the overhead door and the generous offer by a member to repair it. Out of an abundance of caution, we decided to reach out to the building owners.

Old Business/Action Item Review

Piotr to coordinate with Andrew on Paperless-NG instance

In progress (successful test install, pending AWS deployment)

Sam and Andrew will coordinate on next steps for the tool tracking and link shortening projects

Sam described an effort in progress to formalize a documentation effort that would put QR code stickers on machines that would give easy access to online documentation specific to that hardware and the EMS. He expects we'll probably have a label printer near the front door with a kiosk to make creating these easy.

Once we have easy QRCode sticker printing, maybe we can expand that use to public outreach/fundraising purposes by deploying stickers to useful places/bulletin boards/etc.

Sam will contact Marcel to discuss the future of the Lasermaster CNC table

In progress

New Business

Implementing Patreon level changes to door system

This item was largely discussed during the treasury update. We will implement this change immediately. Karen will send out the email letting folks know about the change.

Income vs Expenses conversation

See previous item and treasury report

Rent negotiation / space donation discussion potential with landlord


Review upcoming events

Sam will cover through the end of the year after that.


Motion: Karen moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors adjourn.

The motion was seconded by Ben.

Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 PM.