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Latest revision as of 23:07, 22 October 2018

Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 01/03/2018

Call to order:

A Regular meeting of the Board of directors of EMS, was held at 687 McKinley street, Suite #1; Eugene OR on December 6th, 2017. The meeting convened at 6:15 PM Kevin Forsythe presiding and Ben Hallert as secretary.

Board Members in attendance: Jeffrey, Karen, Ben, Kevin, Jher (video)
Board Members not in attendance: Piotr

Quorum present? Yes

Also Present Were: Beatta, Joe

Approve agenda, and previous minutes.


  1. Call to order
  2. Approve the agenda
  3. Review previous meeting minutes
  4. Officers Reports
    1. President's Report
    2. Secretary's Report
    3. Treasurer's Report
  5. Old Business/Action Item Review
    1. Jeffrey will reach out to Jim to loop him into the new member effort and get him involved.
    2. Jeffrey will add Joe to the board list.
    3. Karen will update the documentation to reflect 6 board members.
    4. Ben will add the waiver field to the door system and will implement a special announcement when non-waivered members join.
    5. Ben will complete the Tech Soup registration for the organization
    6. Tom will install the K40
    7. Tom will attempt to run the steppers on the Lasermaster to test Clif's suggested experiment. He will report back to the discuss list with his results and seek consensus for our next steps.
    8. Clif will inquire with the landlord about the outdoor placement of the compressor and dust removal system.
  6. New Business
    1. Amazon Smile
    2. Symantec grant
    3. Proposed changes to the EMS Bylaws

      Available for review here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A9Bbp_RA0VJYwM8jGZzKHTN6UaSP9NPrRcWlxxehZoM/edit?usp=sharing
    4. Continuing physical improvements to the shop
    5. EMS lecture series (outreach)
    6. EMS program for Community Television
    7. Things to throw away/recycle, garbage removal, dust reduction
    8. Hanging bicycles from center beam
    9. Fundraising opportunities for 2018
    10. Approve the online version of the waiver
    11. Moving Bo D meetings to first Thursday of the month
  7. Action Items Review
  8. Adjournment

Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Kevin and seconded by Jeffrey to approve this meeting's proposed agenda.

The Motion carried with unanimous approval.

Approval of minutes: Motion was made by Kevin and seconded by Karen to approve the minutes of the 12/06/17 meeting.

The Motion carried with unanimous approval.

Officer's reports:


Nothing new.




Not in attendance.

Old Business/Action Item Review

Jeffrey will reach out to Jim to loop him into the new member effort and get him involved.

He mailed Jim. Jim is recovering from back surgery. He is very interested in helping and will need a few more weeks before he is physically able. Jeffrey will continue to work with him and keep him in the loop going forward.

Jeffrey will add Joe to the board list.


Karen will update the documentation to reflect 6 board members.


Ben will add the waiver field to the door system and will implement a special announcement when non-waivered members join.


Ben will complete the Tech Soup registration for the organization

Done. And Slack has been upgraded to the full Standard level for free.

Tom will install the K40

Done and working. The pressure sensor isn't securely attached and we may want to fix that, but it works. He's used Laser Web and Universal GCode Sender successfully and is interested in writing his own.

ACTION: Ben will see if he can put a front-end or Laser Web server up of some sort to the K40

Tom will attempt to run the steppers on the Lasermaster to test Clif's suggested experiment. He will report back to the discuss list with his results and seek consensus for our next steps.

He wasn't able to run that specific experiment, but he did others. It doesn't respond to the normal pulse widths. Joe asks if we want to keep it. It's been here for over a year and hasn't made much progress. There are serious ventillation and safety challenges. Joe asked what our options would be if we decided we did not want to continue moving forward with this machine. What happens if Marcel doesn't want it? We don't know. Jher asked Tom for a recommendation, Tom suggested we pursue a lease with carte blanch to modify it. Tom is not interested in negotiating with Marcel. Kevin asked Joe for his suggestion, Joe suggested that if we had the option, we strip out all the drives and electronics and put in our own system.

Motion: Karen to contact Marcel and negotiate regarding the future of the laser.

Kevin seconded


ACTION: Karen will negotiate regarding the future of the laser.

Clif will inquire with the landlord about the outdoor placement of the compressor and dust removal system.

Clif wasn't available to report on this, we'll ask for an update in the future. Joe checked it out and has some concerns that we would block the path and suggests against doing it and recommends stationing it inside. Karen asked about noise, Joe believes it will be quiet. We can build an enclosure.

New Business

Amazon Smile

ACTION: Ben will remind the membership.

Symantec grant

Ben reported on the $800~ grant from Symantec he was able to get and will attempt to get another $1,000 for the EMS. These will arrive as checks from the company directly and are available because Ben is on the Bo D and this is an employee benefit Symantec offers to their employees.

Proposed changes to the EMS Bylaws

Available for review here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A9Bbp_RA0VJYwM8jGZzKHTN6UaSP9NPrRcWlxxehZoM/edit?usp=sharing

Article II, Section 11

Karen spoke to the proposed changes. Kevin asked about why the reasons were removed in addition to the joke items, Karen reported that it was to provide flexibility to the board about reasons board members might leave.

Motion: Ben moves that Karen's proposed changes to Article II, Section 11 be implemented as written, Kevin seconds.

The vote is unanimous, the motion passes.

Article II, Section 12

Jher expressed some concerns about the new wording, feeling that the real issue was the Geneva Convention and UFP. Karen disagreed, noting that there is no current method for removing a board member. Jher acknowledged what she was working towards but was unhappy with the proposed change. Joe expressed concern that implementing this 'nuclear option' would be bad and discussed the outcome of the 2017 board. Jher shared a story from World War Z (The Tenth Man principle) in defense of having a board member that the rest of the board cannot work with as it would give the rest of the people a 'voice in a sea of consensus'.

Kein suggested we implement e

Kevin moves, Karen seconds removing the Geneva Convention/UFP from the



Table removing from the island discussion

Continuing physical improvements to the shop

1. Joe recommended we replace the sink in one of the bathrooms to a larger laundry-stye shop sink. No objections.

2. Joe suggests moving the Bridgeport to the bathroom shared wall a few feet away and adding in another table where it is currently. No objections.

EMS lecture series (outreach)

Joe would like to get bi-monthy lecture series started. Kevin asked if this is related to the flash talks Rick was organizing recently, the concept sounds similar.

EMS program for Community Television

Joe suggests that the above lecture series be taped and edited together for broadcast on community television. This could also ceate an opportunity to do more community outreach. Kevin asked if we have a You Tube channel and suggested we copy the content to it too.

ACTION: Joe will reach out to the membership to seek interested parties to perform lectures and produce content.

Things to throw away/recycle, garbage removal, dust reduction

Joe has a table of 'dead junk' for disposal. He noted a pair off dead bike frames and a cart that's been stripped. Karen noted those came from Josiah and asked that we get him to commit to using them or removing them.

Hanging bicycles from center beam

Joe asks if we can hang some of the extra bikes from the ceiling. No objection.

Fundraising opportunities for 2018

Table for next meeting

Approve the online version of the waiver

Ben moves that the board approve implementing the online waiver once we have conensus on final wording from the board.



Karen will help with implementation question: typed name

Moving Bo D meetings to first Thursday of the month

Ben moves that beginning February, the Board of Directors meeting be moved to the first Thursday of each month to accomadate member schedules.



Action Items:





  • Karen will negotiate with Marcel regarding the future of the laser.


  • Ben will see if he can put a front-end or Laser Web server up of some sort to the K40
  • Ben will remind the membership that Amazon Smile exists.


  • Clif will inquire with the landlord about the outdoor placement of the compressor and dust removal system.


  • Joe will reach out to the membership to seek interested parties to perform lectures and produce content.


Karen moved for adjournment and was seconded by Jeffrey.

The vote was unanimous and the meeting was adjourned at 7:29 PM.

____________________________ ___________________
Secretary Date of approval
Eugene Maker Space
