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Because the tool is not owned by the Maker Space, there is great hesitation about doing any modification to it. Sam proposes that we either reach out to Marcel to secure a donation of it or begin the process for retrieving it.
{{action|Sam will contact Marcel to discuss next steps}}
===Review upcoming events===
===Review upcoming events===
We have Public Access nights scheduled through the end of July.
We have Public Access nights scheduled through the end of July.
Sam will be out of town the middle two weeks of August. Andrew will cover those weeks. The calendar was updated to reflect upcoming PANs.
Sam will be coordinating the cleaning event shortly with a nominal target of the 15th (the Sunday specifically)
The meeting was adjourned at XXPM.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Revision as of 03:16, 12 July 2024

Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting July 11th, 2024

Note: This is a draft of the minutes until accepted at the next BoD meeting

Call to order

7:17 PM

Attending: Karen, Ben, Beata, Sam, Andrew, Piotr Also present:

Approve this agenda

Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the agenda as ammended.

The motion was seconded by Karen.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.

Approve previous minutes

Motion: Karen moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the minutes from the June BoD meeting as submitted.

The motion was seconded by Andrew.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.


President's report

Karen is moving. She will be leaving the beginning of August. She briefed the group on the status of some donations that she made to the Maker Space as well as different instruments of her position that she has returned.

Secretary's report

Nothing to report.

Treasurer's report

Money accounts as of 07/11/2024

Bank    $1453.36
PayPal    $24.01
Patreon  $157.95
Sum     $1611.31 (diff since Feb -$502.08)

We paid insurance in full ($751.68) this month.

Ben briefed the board on the status of some donations he's made and was able to get matched by his employer.

Shop status

Sam reported on the shop cleanup day. He discussed the methodology used for choosing things for inclusion in the Trash Circle, a sorting area for members to review and, where needed, veto or rescue things that should not be removed. At the end of the evaluation period, whatever is left is removed.

The shop is generally ok. There are intermittent messes but they are trending towards being cleaned up.

The wire welder has been repaired and is operational! We have tips, nozzle guards, brushes, and other various consumables required for welding things.

Sam briefed the board on the presence of tools being stored by members (several saws, planers, and more) which are not available for member use. There is a rule against this type of storage/squirreling away of things and we discussed enforcement of this policy at a greater rate in the future.

Holse the large drill press has something stuck in the chuck. The metal lathe has some undefined problem with it.

Sam has brought a welding curtain to help control spark and arc flash risk.

The dust extractor needs more amps than we have available on the reachable circuits (under 120) so it was re-wired for 240 which has a lower draw. It is theoretically ready for action.

Sam and another member began working on the Shop Bot. The software requires an older vintage system and operating system, they've done some experiments with the hardware available. We also discussed using VirtualBox to virtualize the older OS required, we'll discuss this further.

Andrew has tuned the K40 and it is fully functional in every way. The entire work area is now cuttable.

Old Business/Action Item Review

Piotr to coordinate with Andrew on Paperless-NG instance

In progress.

New Business

QRCode project

Sam and Andrew believe we should have a QRCode to the relevant wiki article on any tool worth documenting. To make this work, we need to host our own link shortener.

ACTION: Sam and Andrew to coordinate on next steps for the tool tracking and link shortening projects will {{{2}}}.


Because the tool is not owned by the Maker Space, there is great hesitation about doing any modification to it. Sam proposes that we either reach out to Marcel to secure a donation of it or begin the process for retrieving it.

ACTION: Sam will contact Marcel to discuss next steps will {{{2}}}.

Review upcoming events

We have Public Access nights scheduled through the end of July.

Sam will be out of town the middle two weeks of August. Andrew will cover those weeks. The calendar was updated to reflect upcoming PANs.


Motion: Karen moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors adjourn.

The motion was seconded by Piotr.

Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.