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=Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting December 8th, 2022=
=Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting December 8th, 2022=
'''Note''': These minutes have not been approved by the BoD yet, this is a '''draft'''
==Call to order==
==Call to order==

Latest revision as of 02:49, 7 July 2023

Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting December 8th, 2022

Call to order


Attending: Karen, Ben, Beata, Piotr, Michael Also present:

Approve this agenda

Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the agenda as amended.

The motion was seconded by Michael.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.

Approve previous minutes

Motion: Karen moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the minutes from the November BoD meeting as submitted.

The motion was seconded by Ben.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.

Confirm new board members

Motion: Michael moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors Ratify the results of the 2022 Board of Directors election.

The motion was seconded by Ben.

Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.

  • Karen Englebeck
  • Ben Hallert
  • Beata Dalhagen
  • Piotr Esden-Tempski

After a discussion, we determined that Karen would remain president, Piotr would remain the Treasurer, and Ben would remain secretary with Beata as the board member at large.


President's report

Karen formally informed the board that previous Board president Kevin Forsythe passed away last month following a battle with cancer. She shared this information with the membership and made a post to the website.

Karen has assembled some photos from events Kevin organized, participated in, or attended and intends to create a post highlighting some of his contributions and to try and capture some of who he was for the record.

A memorial will be held this week, Karen plans to post the photos before.

Secretary's report

Nothing to report.

Treasurer's report

Money accounts as of 12/08/2022

Bank $3805.28 PayPal $48.02 Patreon $0.00


Sum $3853.30 (diff from last month $141.15)

We renewed our domain for two years.

Shop status

Ben visited the shop and found food debris, cooking utensils and appliances, and a second microwave oven set up. Some heavy debris has been moved in front of the laser cutters making them inaccessible.

Karen has noted that there has been some organizational atrophy at the shop and believes that a big part of the blame comes down to a lack of a unified strategy for where things should be.

The security camera that watches the server is offline.

Old Business/Action Item Review

COVID-19 status review - Open Hack closure status

CDC has issued a notice for Lane County recommending masks indoors. It is not a mandate, but a science-based recommendation. There have been no confrontations reported at the shop under our current policy requesting people wear masks when possible and respect the right of others to wear masks without criticism. We will continue to recommend mask usage.

ACTION: Karen will will update the website to reflect the new CDC guidelines and update the date on the short notice on the front page.

Ben will contact the membership to see if anyone is interested in cleaning up and configuring the 3d printer for checkout

In work.


Karen reports that one blind has been partially installed but does not appear to be the size described. We currently have two bare windows with junk piled in front of them, one partially covered with a new blind, and one with the old blinds.

ACTION: Karen will Contact Bee for a status update on the blinds.

New Business

General Membership Poll Organizational Goals

The election was run under the Meek calculating method which defined a floor and dismissed items that failed to meet a certain percentage.

The highest priority was the refurbishment of the Laser Shark cutter.

The second priority was shop partitioning for dust control.

The third priority was the removal of member storage and the institution of a storage fee system.

The fourth item was a request that shop infrastructure projects above a certain threshold have SMART objectives defined.

Regarding the first priority, Karen suggested that we write up a call for volunteers to identify a project lead on the Laser Shark refurbishment project.

ACTION: Karen will Will put together a newsletter/announcement seeking volunteers as well as sharing the photos about Kevin.

Election expenses

Karen paid the election fee and has requested a reimbursement.

Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors The organization reimburse Karen $10 for expenses incurred for running the election..

The motion was seconded by Piotr.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.

Dumpster Situation

We were contacted by a representative of the property management company on Dec 2nd to inform us that the dumpster was full, had been rummaged through, and that trash had been spread throughout the area. Karen described to him the challenges we've faced with the dumpster and also reached out to the team that was at the Maker Space at the time and they were able to pick up the garbage and lock the dumpster. The keycode for the new lock (a combination lock) has been provided to SaniPac. The representative told us that he would reach out to Harris Painting regarding the problem of their garbage going into our dumpster. After pickup, it was locked open so Karen visited the shop and fixed it. Our lock was still intact as of Tuesday and a shield around it will, we hope, make it harder to cut.

Food at shop

Ben and Karen both independently spoke with the members involved about the growing food clutter and food preparation at the shop becoming a problem with member complaints.

When Karen met with this member, she reiterated what had been said and that operating a kitchen at the maker space is not a starter. We don't have the facilities required for complex, safe food preparation, more for simple heating of existing foods. She feels that conversation was productive.

Piotr shared some thoughts of his own about food and makerspaces and what traits are needed to make the two work together.

Piotr was at an event this year and met someone who runs a 40k^2 ft maker space and his takeaway was that if people who work with textiles are happy, then everyone is happy because their standards are the kind that have the broadest impact and the traits of a textile friendly shop are almost everything else friendly too.

Review upcoming events

There are open hack nights scheduled for 12/9 and 12/16.


Motion: Piotr moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors adjourn.

The motion was seconded by Ben.

Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:32PM.