
From Eugene Maker Space
Revision as of 02:50, 7 July 2023 by Ben Hallert (talk | contribs) (Approved in August 2022 Meeting)
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Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting July 7th, 2022

Call to order

7:13 PM

Attending: Karen, Ben, Michael, Beata, Piotr Also present:

Approve this agenda

Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the agenda as amended.

The motion was seconded by Karen.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.

Approve previous minutes

Motion: Karen moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the minutes from the June BoD meeting as submitted.

The motion was seconded by Piotr.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.


President's report

Nothing to report.

Secretary's report

Nothing to report.

Treasurer's report

Money accounts as of 07/07/2022

Bank $3396.29 PayPal $144.06 Patreon $19.57


Sum $3559.90 (diff from last month -$748.94)

Note: We paid a year's worth of insurance

Karen reported ~$105 in cash deposits

Shop status

Karen reported on finding a box of flathead screwdrivers that had been hidden. She returned them to their correct spot. She suggested that we look for more labeling opportunities (such as 'No Object spaces') to help reduce clutter.

Old Business/Action Item Review

COVID-19 status review - Open Hack closure status

CDC has issued a notice for Lane County recommending masks indoors. It is not a mandate, but a science-based recommendation. There have been no confrontations reported at the shop under our current policy requesting people wear masks when possible and respect the right of others to wear masks without criticism. Piotr described a PDX makerspace's efforts to quantify need for mask uses through use of CO2 meters to measure air-flow effectiveness.

We discussed what level of restrictions we were willing and comfortable imposing considering risk of confrontation and violence from extremists who have lashed back against mask rules.

ACTION: Karen will will send a notice to the Discord about this stuff.

Ben will order some more masks for the shop and drop them off


Ben will contact the membership to see if anyone is interested in cleaning up and configuring the 3d printer for checkout

In work.

Ben will update the bot to put events in the calendar immediately instead of waiting until a week before.

In work.

New Business

Trash bin

The EMS vinyl has fallen off the dumpster. Karen suggests that we create a stencil and paint the logo. The key/lock is missing, the cost of replacing the lock is fairly prohibitive. We will try going without a lock and see what happens.


The blinds hardware ordered has arrived. Ben will bring it to the shop for installation. Ben will contact Bee ahead of time.

Review upcoming events


ACTION: Karen will contact the Elegoo user to get more details for a blog post.


Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors adjourn.

The motion was seconded by Karen.

Motion passes, the vote was {{{4}}}.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00PM.