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Revision as of 03:03, 12 April 2024 by Ben Hallert (talk | contribs) (Minutes accepted at 4/11/2024 meeting)
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Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting March 7th, 2024

Call to order


Attending: Karen, Ben, Beata, Piotr Also present:

Approve this agenda

Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the agenda as presented.

The motion was seconded by Karen.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.

Approve previous minutes

Motion: Karen moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the minutes from the February BoD meeting as submitted.

The motion was seconded by Beatta.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.


President's report

Nothing to report.

Secretary's report

Nothing to report.

Treasurer's report

Piotr donated $200 to the space because we were $40 short on rent pending Patreon re: one month advance. He feels it was mostly a timing issue, he will review the trend.

Shop status

There was a shop cleanup event! The chair population has been culled among other things.

Old Business/Action Item Review

Installation of NVR

Installed the parking lot camera! The only remaining item to relocate the camera that overlooks the CNC alley area to reduce dead space.

Toner station

Ben will bring his trailer when he can, it is currently in use on another project. We need muscle power to tip it over and transport it up onto the trailer.

Ben to update Keymaster code to accommodate 24x7 access for new tier members

No progress on this yet.

Agenda Item: Membership rate changes & ancillary issues

  • Dates were originally set in January. April 1 doesn't make sense with a message going out now. Do we change the deadline, or change the message?
    • Karen recommends June 1 as new target.
  • Patreon tier implementation still needs to be done. How do we accomplish the "If you sign up for annual now, you lock in access for a year"?
    • 'Unpublishing' old tiers appears the path forward as part of making the new tiers.
  • Post/Letter is about 70% written Not sure how to complete it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fheF-DDapq3ZByjzN197vdgOcTiSuvYNP0JYfIpFxMU/edit?usp=sharing
    • Karen requested a review of the letter as written so she can target a send of tomorrow.

Andrew to write a communication to the membership informing everyone of the membership rate changes

In progress as noted in previous section.

Karen will write a New Years state of the shop blog post

In progress as noted in previous two sections.  

Ben to create a Wordpress login for Andrew and anyone else who wants it


Karen to secure our access credentials for the Google for Non Profits


Karen to coordinate with Andrew to implement AWS credits via Techsoup


Piotr to coordinate with Andrew on Paperless-NG instance

In progress.

New Business

Agenda Item: EMS emails

  • smtp.gmail.com port 587 doesn't appear to be correct for eugenemakerspace.com emails
  • Implementation of .org emails, how is this going to work with the 'gmail' system?

To be discussed moving forward.

Review upcoming events

We don't have any open hacks for the next two weeks then Sam has volunteered to host additional open hacks.


Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors adjourn.

The motion was seconded by Karen.

Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.

The meeting was adjourned at 07:38PM.