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Revision as of 03:08, 8 January 2025 by Ben Hallert (talk | contribs) (Initial draft)
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Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting January 7th, 2025

Note: This is a draft of the minutes until accepted at the next BoD meeting

Call to order

6:08 PM

Attending: Ben, Sam, Troy, Andrew Also present: Also Sam

Approve this agenda

Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the agenda as presented.

The motion was seconded by Troy.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.

Approve previous minutes

Motion: Andrew moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the minutes from the December BoD meeting as submitted.

The motion was seconded by Troy.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.


President's report

Nothing new to add.

Secretary's report

Nothing new to add.

Treasurer's report

Money Accounts as of 01/07/2025

Bank     $ 8245.93
PayPal   $ 6984.61 At This Time
Patreon  $   46.40
Sum      $15276.94 (diff since December of +1238.40)
We have 32 active paid Patreon memberships bringing in $1,246 / month. 28 of them are paying monthly, 4 of them annually.

Shop status

Bennett has put a new door on the space. We'll need access to recover our remaining belongings.

Old Business/Action Item Review

Terminate the lease for the space with Bennett

We will formalize the termination the of the lease once our belongings are removed.

Tom and Abatement recovery items

Sam met up with Tom the space after the abatement was done and they reviewed the contents. He wants to claim the drill press, the Smithy, and two toolboxes with tools and equipment. Sam itemized the final abatement items and will produce a list of costs. Tom may restore the drillpress and return it to the space.  

Andrew to deactivate Wiki account creation


Sam and Andrew will coordinate on next steps for the tool tracking and link shortening projects

In Progress (on hold indefinitely until a new space is available)

Sam noted it might have benefit in the near term especially during recovery and inventory of existing hardware as a starting point.

Open PO Box

In progress, pending debit card. He expects to activate this shortly, he'll do a 3 month payment for now and we'll review at the end of that period if we renew pending new space status.

Duplicate mailbox key

Ben and Sam will meet, Ben will give him a key to the current mailbox.

New Business

New space location-hunting report

Troy hasn't heard back from Booth Kelly's agent yet. He will ping them again later this week.

Sam spoke with Christian Fox about the REI adjacent building and next steps for that are pending a possible change in landlords for the building. He hopes to hear back from him with the next few weeks.

We will ask for help from the membership on finding places to check out too. We will also reach out to non-member resources too like /r/eugene and work at building a pool of leads/contacts.

We'll do internal brainstorming in the Discord about space requirements and options, then once that's built out a little Troy will post to /r/eugene and other local areas to seek community input and leads.

Abatement and recovery update

Our bill from Abateright was $2,096.88. We will pay this to settle the bill then settle expenses with members who requested to pay for abatement on personal property.

Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors We will pay the Abateright invoice.

The motion was seconded by Andrew.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.

Andrew will take care of settling our bill.

We will seek out a quote on additional insurance to see how feasible > liability is.

Cleaning out the space

We need to empty the space if we aren't negotiating a new lease. We need a couple dates including 'pick up your stuff' and also to remove anything the org is keeping.

The CNC table is likely not recoverable intact so we discussed the process of scrapping that.

Sam will check his key to see if the new door will take it and then we will work out event dates.

Events report

No events since our last meeting due to the holidays.

Review upcoming events

A member is working on a soft-craft event tentatively proposed for 11-2 on a repeating basis starting this Sunday.

We'll plan for another Mecca popup on a date TBD. Same for something in February or March at Dark Pine.

Troy offered to reach out to the EPL to discuss a possible class event.

We discussed some options related to possible options at local open spaces that we'll be asking about for hosting events.


Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors adjourn.

The motion was seconded by Andrew.

Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM.