
From Eugene Maker Space
Revision as of 01:55, 3 May 2019 by Ben Hallert (talk | contribs) (Initial draft)
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Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting May 2, 2019

Note: These minutes have not been approved by the BoD yet, this is a draft

Call to order

6:11PM Attending: Aidan, Karen, Ben, Amanda Also present: Bruce, Hailey, Theo, Alex, Beatta

Approve this agenda

Motion: Karen moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the agenda.

The motion was seconded by Aiden.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.

Approve previous minutes

Motion: Karen moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the minutes from the April BoD meeting.

The motion was seconded by Amanda.

Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.


President's report

Aidan reports that between the last meeting and this meeting, we got 3 PayPal cancellations that did not move to PayPal. We're seeing a trend of folks moving over, he will send out reminders as time passes. Karen asked for details about some of our Patreon problems. The support has been tricky to deal with because the Treasurer@eugenemakerspace.com address is an alias to a DL. He described the problem that we were getting locked because so many of our new subscribers were also new to Patreon. Basically we're getting frozen 2-3 days each time someone joins. It shouldn't stop us from being able to use Patreon, it's just a pain we're dealing with now.

Secretary's report


Treasurer's report

We have $660 in our bank account, our full finances are not ready yet as Piotr is not present. We will be back in the black this month with a donation from Symantec, we will need to keep at it over the next month to stay ahead.

Public Relations report

Aidan would like to send a mail to people who are not on Patreon about their keys being deactivated in June.

Amanda reports that Jeffrey forwarded some details about the upcoming second Star Festival. Aidan suggested that we prioritize attending this event with a table a little lower unless someone wants to take that on due to poor infrastructure at the site and low intersection with our likely member pool.

Aidan was interviewed by a local publication that will be running a story on us with photos.

ACTION: Ben will generate a list of addresses for Keymaster accounts that do not have a Patreon attached. ACTION: Ben will ask Jeffrey to help remove some folks from the listserv ACTION: Ben will deactivate the keys for those people ACTION: Ben will make Aidan and Amanda admins on the Facebook page ACTION: Aidan will post the interview to the Facebook and Wordpress page

Shop Status report

Bruce and Harley organized a scrap run. We got $28 from the scrapper for it.

We have a pile of extra hardware near the garage door to deal with.

We don't have a plan for the arcade.

We have a new piece of equipment, a downdraft table Harley built.

The security camera in the office was moved.

Heather took her compressor, welders, and plasma home.

Jeffrey sold his Bridgeport.

Harley noticed that the blade on the bandsaw broke.

The table saw runs, but the blade doesn't turn.

Old Business/Action Item Review

Aidan will activate instant-payment on Patreon and put together a quarterly report with instructions to our members on what to do.


Karen will continue to monitor the Pay Pal giving fund qualifications for the EMS, she will contact Piotr for access to our PayPal deets are for getting this

In progress.

ACTION (continuing): Karen will continue to monitor the Pay Pal giving fund qualifications for the EMS, she will contact Piotr for access to our PayPal deets are for getting this

Ben will work with Piotr to add the payment options to the new-member mail sent out by Key Master.


New Business

May 4th event

We were going to try and do a yard sale event, but we weren't able to get a good collection of items to sell together. We will regroup and pull together a social event in June to draw folks into the shop to check things out.

Aidan will turn off automatic Open Hack notification mails because he feels they may be seen as just noise right now.

Aidan suggested we pick a specific date, we discussed the second and third weekends. We are tentatively scheduling June 15th for our event.

Aidan suggested 11-5, there was general consensus that this would work.

Karen received no feedback in favor of the Star Wars aspect of the event.


Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors adjourn the May meeting.

The motion was seconded by Amanda.

Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:54PM.