Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting October 3rd, 2019
Note: These minutes have not been approved by the BoD yet, this is a draft
Call to order
6:20PM Attending: Aidan, Karen, Ben, Piotr Also present: Todd, Christina
Approve this agenda
Motion: Aidan moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the agenda as amended.
The motion was seconded by Karen.
Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.
Approve previous minutes
Motion: Karen moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the minutes from the September BoD meeting as amended.
The motion was seconded by Aiden.
Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.
President's report
Nothing to report.
Secretary's report
Nothing to report.
Treasurer's report
Bank status: $602.22 PayPal: $0.00 Patreon: $32.41
Karen has an OCCU near her home that can help with deposits.
Public Relations report
Event went very well. No signups, but we had 1 verified signup and lots of folks came and checked out the shop.
Shop Status report
Woodworking: Downdraft table was taken by one of the builders (ex-member), we need to build another. We need a piece of pegboard or perfboard. Todd Lewis fixed the bandsaw and it no longer chases members around the shop.
Metalworking: Todd's forge is re-lined and functioning again.
CNC Alley: D&M 4S is powering up. Karen made a new cover for the speed controller and installed it. Tom Conlin has determined there is a problem with one of the axis' that's preventing it from moving so more work is needed.
The big laser is functional and Mary Bachmann has been documenting some test results of cutting different cutting settings. The air compressor is attached and functional as an air-assist.
K40 has some communication issues, this is a future task. We have shielded wire for the limit switches.
Todd made us some steel clamps for the big CNC table.
The attic has remote light switches now so that we can toggle lights in Pick a Part, another is attached to the router/wifi so it can be more easily reset.
The vinyl station computer has been reformatted and reconfigured to functionality again along with remote-management software so it can be administered later. A backup has been made for future restoral on demand.
Karen made a 'park nicely' sign.
Christine's furniture is still here.
Karen re-labeled the unused recycling to be another trash and suggests we make a different recycling station that can't be confused for trash.
Classroom: Karen added some signs to notify folks about the presence of video cameras for security in the shop to remove any confusion.
Karen has been rebuilding the bulletin board area by the front door and has upgraded it tremendously. It looks quite a bit nicer and has much more relevant information now. Karen put together a document center near the front door that has minor waivers (and has put together a new master-copy of the minor waiver for future printing). We also have nice trouble tickets!
The non-functional machine at the front has been replaced with a working computer with Windows 10.
She is removing password protection on all computers because it adds no security, just inconvenience to new users.
ACTION: Ben will Automate Linux Mint Updates.
Old Business/Action Item Review
Ben will send mail/deactivate cancelled members at end of the month
Aidan will find out what trash service costs
Karen called Apex waste collection. 35 gallon roller can for our area: $26.05/month (rate is set by the city, so all services will charge that for that size) 65 gallon roller can is $42.70/mo. They pick up recycling for free, not sure that wood scraps and sawdust count as recycling though.
Piotr will write a rough draft for polishing of the shop's surveillance/safety monitoring procedures
Karen completed this.
Karen will ask the membership to park friendly (and make a sign saying the same) to post internally
Patreon sign
Karen will contact Todd about BBQ event for September 14th
Ben will duplicate keys for distribution
Ben will attempt to sell downdraft
In progress.
Ben will attempt to secure a new table saw
Tom Conlin brought a saw to the shop that we will need to TLC into functionality. It will belong to Tom Conlin.
Ben will attempt to scrap/sell old table saw
The new saw will be restored to functionality using parts from the old saw.
Karen will contact Christina
Ben will price out a clear curtain
Karen will perform a tool audit
It didn't fully happen. Karen attended but there was nobody else who could work on it and the folks who did attend worked on the D&M4 and K40. We will try again, perhaps at a different pace.
New Business
We discussed the continuing problems related to lack of payment (currently two months in arrears), conflict with other members, and furniture being stored in the shop and missed commitments to remove it.
Motion: Aidan moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors Begin the process of ending Christina's membership.
The motion was seconded by Piotr.
Motion passes, the vote was 3 Aye, 1 recuse.
Family membership adjustment
Aiden suggests we change the family membership to $55 flat rate for as many adults are in that family. After further discussion, we adjusted that to $60. This keeps it below 2x membership and reflects the benefit being given more accurately.
Motion: Aiden moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors Make a $60 family membership option and update Patreon to create the tier and update the website..
The motion was seconded by Piotr.
Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.
ACTION: Ben will Update key system to handle new level. ACTION: Aidan will Add a new Patreon level to reflect this. ACTION: Ben will Update the website to reflect the new membership level. ACTION: Karen will Make and print our adult guest waivers.
The biggest issue is that his payments are not happening reliably and the system doesn't automatically disable his key when he doesn't pay. For October, his key will be deactivated Friday the 19th if payment is not received.
ACTION: Ben will Implement some type of payment tracking for cash payments.
During adjournment, Piotr suggested an action item to contact the membership about the OSHpark discount cards he acquired, specifically that they are available.
ACTION: Karen will Karen will send out a notice to the membership about the OSHpark cards.
Motion: Aiden moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors adjourn the August meeting.
The motion was seconded by Piotr.
Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05PM.