CNC Master Notes

From Eugene Maker Space
Laser Master /
Revision as of 07:34, 7 August 2024 by Dj tmc (talk | contribs) (→‎Software Overview & Design your Project: added images showing docs folder)
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2024 08 30 cnc bed2.jpg

These are our collection of notes on the Laser CNC Master Restoration Project.


  • Make: Cam Tech
  • Model: LaserMaster CM155
  • Year:
  • Working Area: X?, Y?, Z~6"

Process Overview

More details on each part of the pipeline in sections below

  • Design your Project in Easel (or still untested, Carbide Create)
  • Setup Table
    • Waste Board
    • Material onto Waste Board
    • Install Appropriate Mill end (bit)
    • plug in Spindle & Turn On
  • Launch UGS Software
    • Reset Zero as safety
    • Load .nc file
    • Confirm dims with visualizer
    • Move router into position
    • Reset Zero For reals this time
    • Create Drill locating hole
    • Return to Ideal Zero
  • Run project
    • Try it in the air first (go up a set amount and then reset zero)
    • Try it with cheap material second
    • google appropriate speeds & feeds
    • Try it with your final material
    • Stay in shop & keep an eye on the CNC table
      • take this time to help clean & organize the shop :D
  • Wrap up
    • Clean up CNC area
    • Remove project
    • vacuum area
    • Reset CNC for next user

Software Overview & Design your Project

The three types of software used in CNC production is Design Cad, Toolpaths CAM & G-Code Control as listed here:
Beginners guide to desktop CNC software

For our pipeline that means:
Design Cad:
Easel, with the help of other software listed below.

Toolpaths CAM

G-Code Control

You can design you project in Easel, a web based software package.
Still to test: Carbide Create For more control, you can import line art into Easel as .svg files, from software such as InkScape, Affinity Designer, or Adobe Illustrator

Here's more details on how to use Easel How to use Easel (free CNC software)
Our computer only has UGS installed on it, so design work currently takes place on another machine (yours at home, the library, etc.)
To keep the CNC computer tidy, please create your own subfolder in "Documents", and copy your files from a USB drive to this folder. Use the format 'year_yourName'

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

To Do: Create shortcut of this folder on the desktop & label 'store your documents here'

Setup Table

Overview: The PC controls the position of the router. The inverter on the right controls the spindle rotation.

  • Turn on the PC.
    • It runs on Linux Mint, but feels similar to Windows.
  • Plug in the Spindle Controller
  • Turn on Spindle with light switch below it
  • Press "run" to start
  • Adjust pot to adjust rotation
  • Press "Stop" to stop rotation

Use UGS Software

This is the software that takes your gcode file and feeds it to the router line by line in a way that it will understand it. Launch UGS by double clicking this icon:
2024 08 desktop.jpg

New to Linux? Run the software with this option:
2024 08 launch window.jpg (stem)

More to come on this & all sections.

Wrap Up



-- Main.ClifCox - 11 May 2016


2024-08-05: It works!

NOTE: There are NO stop switches installed, so it will gladly tear through the bed, or really try hard to run itself off the rails if you let it. And if you are pinned between it and an edge, expect an emergency room visit at the least.

The X,Y& Z axis are moving. The Spindle control is working UGS works well with the system.