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Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting May 2nd, 2024

Note: This is a draft of the minutes until accepted at the next BoD meeting

Call to order


Attending: Karen, Ben, Beata, Sam, Piotr Also present:

Approve this agenda

Motion: XX moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the agenda as amended .

The motion was seconded by XX.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.

Approve previous minutes

Motion: XX moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the minutes from the March BoD meeting as submitted.

The motion was seconded by XX.

Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.


President's report

Nothing to report.

Secretary's report

Nothing to report.

Treasurer's report

Shop status

Old Business/Action Item Review

Ben will implement 24x7 access plan as discussed by the board

Piotr to coordinate with Andrew on Paperless-NG instance

In progress.

New Business

Member suspension

Implementing new membership rates

Piotr will add new tiers and hide the old ones

  • Updating web page

Review upcoming events


Motion: XX moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors adjourn.

The motion was seconded by XX.

Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.

The meeting was adjourned at 08:02PM.