CNC Master Notes

From Eugene Maker Space
Laser Master /
Revision as of 06:06, 6 August 2024 by Dj tmc (talk | contribs) (typo)
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These are our collection of notes on the Laser CNC Master Restoration Project.


  • Make: Cam Tech
  • Model: LaserMaster CM155
  • Year:
  • Working Area: X?, Y?, Z~6"


-- Main.ClifCox - 11 May 2016


2024-08-05: It works!

NOTE: There are NO stop switches installed, so it will gladly tear through the bed, or really try hard to run itself off the rails if you let it. And if you are pinned between it and an edge, expect an emergency room visit at the least.

The X,Y& Z axis are moving. The Spindle control is working UGS works well with the system.