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Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 3/17/2016

Call to order:

A Regular meeting of the Board of directors of EMS, was held at https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g4fqvksfrwxoodrj3gkn22ei64a. The meeting convened at 7:05PM, Clif Cox presiding and Ben Hallert secretary.

Board Members in attendance: Clif, Kass, Ben, Darrell

Board Members not in attendance: Mark

Quorum present? Yes

Also Present Were: The NSA

Approve agenda, and previous minutes.


  1. Approve the agenda
  2. Approve previous meeting minutes
  3. President's report
  4. Secretary report
  5. Treasurer's report
    Old Business
  6. Mark was going to work on increasing social media posting cadence
  7. Darrell to continue treasurer transition effort
  8. Clif was to wordsmith proposed verbiage for an amendment related to teleconference rules
  9. Ben to work with Kass on 'Nobody leaves empty handed' concept
    New Business
  10. Mark's resignation - next steps
  11. Rent increase notice
  12. Change meeting day? May be redundant.

Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Darrell and seconded by Clif to approve this meeting's proposed agenda as amended

The Motion carried with unanimous approval.

Approval of minutes: Motion was made by Clif and seconded by Darrell to approve the minutes of the 2/18/2016 meeting.

The Motion carried with unanimous approval.

Officer's reports:

President's report

LCC downtown center meeting went well. They did a walkthrough and found a number of 'interesting areas'. Ideas were expressed on ideas how to remodel it to increase its attractiveness as a space. There have been some board and council meetings happening and we will be hearing back on what enthusiasm exists on moving forward.

ACTION: Clif will report back on progress of meetings

Secretary's report


Treasurer's report

Not too much to report. We may have lost a member or two but we've gained a couple, but he hasn't done a reconcilliation of accounts.

Old business:

Mark was going to work on increasing social media posting cadence

Mark started posting things on the Facebook page and was definitely increasing visibility of the club.

Darrell to continue treasurer transition effort

No update. Darrell will reach out to Taper.

ACTION: Darrell will reach out to Taper

Clif was to wordsmith proposed verbiage for an amendment related to teleconference rules

Still in progress

ACTION: Clif was to wordsmith proposed verbiage for an amendment related to teleconference rules

Ben to work with Kass on 'Nobody leaves empty handed' concept

Ben reported on the mix of pre-printed/cut items for visitors when they visit and Kassie expanded the idea to also include things that the visitor would be involved in making.

We also discussed the 'vitamins' concept in more depth as a related marketing/inspiration project.

Kassie continued to develop this in an exciting direction. The basic concept of having some canned projects that fit vitamins we have in-stock and then getting people involved.

Kass: For outreach, we should be doing more formalized outreach and projects. The Red Bull projects were cited as examples of successful past efforts in this and good models.

We discussed the vinyl cutter, Clif volunteered to spearhead getting Inkscape working with the cutter. Kassandra will work with him on that.

ACTION: Clif and Kass will work on getting the vinyl cutter working with Inkscape

New business:

Mark's resignation - next steps

Clif reported that Mark was frustrated that we hadn't changed the meeting to a different day. We also discussed his thoughts on EMS not having a formal presence at the Maker Fair kickoff meeting.

Clif suggested we pursue getting Taper formally onboard ASAP.

Rent increase notice

$590 per month with annual lease, $605 for a six month contract.

There was back and forth conversation about whether we wanted 6 or 12 month lease.

Motion: Ben moves we switch to an annual lease at the new rate of $590 per month. Clif seconds, and motion passes unanimously.

Action: Darrell will contact the landlord and sign the new lease.

Change meeting day? May be redundant.

This seems redundant in light of Mark's resignation. We may want to reach out to Taper to see how Thursdays will work with him.

Action Items:


  • Clif and Kass will work on getting the vinyl cutter working with Inkscape


  • Clif will report back on progress of LCC meetings
  • Clif was to wordsmith proposed verbiage for an amendment related to teleconference rules
  • Clif and Kass will work on getting the vinyl cutter working with Inkscape


  • Darrell will reach out to Taper as part of the continuing treasurer transition effort
  • Darrell will contact the landlord and sign the new lease.


  • Working with Kass on nobody leaves empty handed concept


Clif moved for adjournment and was seconded by Ben.

The vote was unanimous and the meeting was adjourned a 7:53PM.

____________________________ ___________________
Secretary Date of approval
Eugene Maker Space