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Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 8/4/2016

Call to order:

A Regular meeting of the Board of directors of EMS, was held at https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g4fqvksfrwxoodrj3gkn22ei64a. The meeting convened at 6:06PM, Ben presiding and Ben Hallert secretary.

Board Members in attendance: Kass, Ben, Darrell

Board Members not in attendance: Clif

Quorum present?

Also Present Were: The NSA

Approve agenda, and previous minutes.


  1. Approve the agenda
  2. Approve previous meeting minutes
  3. President's report - skipped
  4. Secretary report
  5. Treasurer's report
    New Business
  6. Pumpkin Chunkin'
  7. Laser Cutter status

Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Ben and seconded by Darrell to approve this meeting's proposed agenda as amended

The Motion carried with unanimous approval.

Approval of minutes: Motion was made by Ben and seconded by Kass to approve the minutes of the 6/2/2016 meeting.

The Motion carried with unanimous approval.

Officer's reports:

President's report

Clif was not present.

Secretary's report


Treasurer's report

We're losing ground financially, getting down into the weeds. Our corporation was temporarily dissolved due to a missed filing, but Darrell has corrected it. This does not affect our non-profit status or anything. Our membership numbers are roughly the same.

We're running out of money; the new members just mean we're losing $$ more slowly.

ACTION: Darrell will provide an updated membership roster.

New Business:

Pumpkin Chunkin'

Traditionally, Rick has organized this event. He would like to step back and cede organization and running of it to Science Factory. They'll be handling publicity, advertising, etc. They would like to know if we'd like to be involved. This would entail taking over getting teams involved, reaching out to the hacker community, MC the event, etc.

Clif joined, Ben summarized the conversation so far.

Kass added that we have a right to decide if we want to cooperate in this capacity. We all agreed this sounds like something we'd like to do.

We discussed our interest. Clif suggested we make the commitment and request that we show up somewhere in the advertising.

ACTION: Kass will reach out to Rick and Nick to see what role he would like in liasing for the group and defining our role.

Laser Cutter status

Clif talked with Dale and Marcel last week. Dale reported that he has found all of the critical pieces and has some cables on order. It sounds as if he should be able to plug it in and fire it up to check for basic functionality in the near future. He was left with the impression that we aren't far away from knowing the basic status of the hardware.

Kass asked about the laser-dongle, Clif confirmed that Dale found it.

ACTION: Kass will reach out to Dale to see if he can use some help.

Action Items:


  • Kass will reach out to Rick and Nick to see what role he would like in liasing for the group and defining our role.



  • Darrell will provide an updated membership roster.



Ben moved for adjournment and was seconded by Darrell.

The vote was unanimous and the meeting was adjourned a 6:46PM.

____________________________ ___________________
Secretary Date of approval
Eugene Maker Space