Laser Cutter Instructions

From Eugene Maker Space
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Welcome to this short guide on using the EMS laser cutter.

Here is a quick list of steps. Feel free to improve photos and instructions to iron out omitted steps and to clarify the process.

Power On

  • Switch on power by flipping the red power button on the power strip at the bottom of the machine
  • Power on the computer by pressing the power button to the left of the black computer box below the laser cutter.

Calibrating Material Height

  • Put in the material you want to cut.
  • Make sure it is sitting on a supporting plate like honey comb. (Otherwise it will be too low and the probe will not be able to reach it.)
  • Press Start/Stop button.
  • Use the arrow keys to jog the laser head to the position you want to focus at.
  • Press Auto Focus button.
  • Press Start/Stop button to return to normal operation mode.

Creating an Inkscape Project to cut

  • Draw your design in Inkscape using absolute measurements in mm. (It might work in inches but it is not tested at the moment. Just go metric baby!)
  • Export your Inkscape design into DXF.
    • File ->
    • Save As... ->
    • Choose DXF format from the dropdown
    • Click save

Cutting a design using Autodesk AutoCAD

  • Open Autodesk AutoCAD program. The icon is on the computer desktop.
  • Open your design using the open icon in the left upper corner of AutoCAD
  • Select your whole design with Ctrl-A
  • Move your design so that it is in the position you want it at. Use the AutoCAD move tool.
  • In the toolbar change the Object Color to Black
  • Right below the Color selection change the Lineweight to 0.00mm
  • Start the Plot... dialog either by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner of the window or by pressing Ctrl-P
  • In the Paper Size drop down select Custom Size. Make sure the shown paper size is 25.0" x 18.0"
  • Select Printer/plotter to be Mercury.pc3
  • Deselect Plot scale -> Fit to Paper
  • Select unit type mm
  • Select Scale -> 1:1
  • Press OK and the laser cutter will receive the file to plot and start plotting.
  • You can choose to plot the same drawing once again by pressing the Start/Stop button.
  • Before you cut another design or need to change something make sure to press the Del File button twice to delete the stored file in the machine.

Unsolved: I still don't know how to set the origin of the plot correctly. It seems somewhat arbitrary. :/

Note: You can adjust the pen settings of different object Colors in the Plot dialog -> Printer/plotter -> Properties... -> Custom properties... -> Pen

Power Off

  • Shut down the computer
  • Flip the power strip switch