Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting February 2nd, 2023
Call to order
Attending: Karen, Ben, Beata, Piotr Also present:
Approve this agenda
Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the agenda as amended.
The motion was seconded by Karen.
Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.
Approve previous minutes
Motion: Karen moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the minutes from the January BoD meeting as submitted.
The motion was seconded by Beata.
Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.
President's report
Nothing to report.
Secretary's report
Nothing to report.
Treasurer's report
Money accounts as of 02/02/2023
Bank $2685.21 PayPal $120.38 Patreon $1459.37
Sum $4264.96 (diff from last month -$212.43)
Shop status
The shop is still there. Karen went to the shop this month and updated the new power strips to use the available outlet. Because of this, we now have power again in the classroom section. With the old PDUs retired, we anticipate improved uptime.
Karen noted that the CNC Alley area has been used for storage to a point where it was impassable and none of the tools could be accessed. Ben spent a few hours working in the area to reclaim the space and began a new Trash Square and documented items being considered for removal on the Discord.
Ben also assembled and configured a donated 3D printer, an Ender 3 Max.
During this month, Nicole reconfigured the old ham corner so that it was accessible and set up the shirt press there. Thank you, Nicole! Zeb also constructed a new scrap wood bin. Thank you, Zeb!
Nicole offered to host a vinyl cutter class and demonstrated how to use the US Cutter (large scale cutter) to some folks who came. She also brought some folks visiting from Ukraine, very cool! Thank you again, Nicole!
Old Business/Action Item Review
COVID-19 status review - Open Hack closure status
CDC has issued a notice for Lane County recommending masks indoors. It is not a mandate, but a science-based recommendation. There have been no confrontations reported at the shop under our current policy requesting people wear masks when possible and respect the right of others to wear masks without criticism. We will continue to recommend mask usage.
The federal government plans to retire emergency declarations related to the pandemic in May if the current trends continue.
Ben will contact the membership to see if anyone is interested in cleaning up and configuring the 3d printer for checkout
We will put this effort on hold temporarily due to workload limitations.
Piotr will inform the blinds group that we're going to pursue a new course per the previous conversation
Ben send out a prompt to the membership seeking someone to take on the task
ACTION: Ben will Follow up post seeking laser work volunteers.
New Business
Karen's availability in March
Karen will be having major surgery on March 3rd and will not be available to meet for the BoD meeting on 3/2. She expects to be released from the hospital on March 9th. She requests we move the March meeting to March 16th.
Review upcoming events
We have a February 18th 6-8PM Open Hack scheduled! Eric has expressed willingness to post some others during the month and the days/times will be established closer to the target. There will be hacks through June on the third Saturday of each month.
Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors adjourn.
The motion was seconded by Karen.
Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 PM.