Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors meeting June 8th, 2023
Call to order
7:03 PM
Attending: Karen, Ben, Beata, Piotr Also present:
Approve this agenda
Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the agenda as presented.
The motion was seconded by Karen.
Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.
Approve previous minutes
Motion: Karen moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors approve the minutes from the May BoD meeting as submitted.
The motion was seconded by Beata.
Motion passes, the vote was Unanimous.
President's report
Nothing to report.
Secretary's report
Nothing to report.
Treasurer's report
Money accounts as of 06/08/2023
Bank $4434.88
PayPal $48.02
Patreon $0.00
Sum $4483.08 (diff from last accounting $336.85)
Karen has processed some donations from Broadcom.
Shop status
There was a concern expressed by a neighbor about a car they thought was camping in our lot. We investigated and responded promptly to the landlord and they were satisfied that we had responded to the inquiry quickly. We received permission to install an external camera.
Old Business/Action Item Review
Karen will advertise the new annual membership option
This is ongoing. At this point, we cannot issue refunds other than the full amount. With that in mind, Karen offered to write a brief blog entry. She will also add a mention regarding our camera replacement effort.
Karen will check the mail
Karen will review the voicemail message and update it as required to further drive people to the Discord
This is ongoing.
New Business
Exterior security camera
We would like to choose the right camera to add. We can either find something that's compatible with our existing DVR, plan for a new DVR, or find some third option. Our current system is on its last legs.
ACTION: Piotr will Write a letter to a DVR manufacturer to see if they would be willing to donate a system.
Ben asked if we should reach out to the community for ideas/assistance. Piotr recommended that we make some basic
ACTION: Ben will Write a request to the community for ideas and/or equipment suggestions with tight requirements re: local storage and PoE.
Review upcoming events
Motion: Ben moved that the Eugene Makerspace Board of Directors adjourn.
The motion was seconded by Karen.
Motion passes, the vote was unanimous.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 PM.