Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: //2015
Call to order:
A Regular meeting of the Board of directors of EMS, was held at 687 McKinley street, Suite #2, Eugene OR on XX , 2014. The meeting convened at PM, Rick Osgood presiding and Ben Hallert secretary.
Board Members in attendance: Rick, Bob, Ben, Kass, Darrell
Board Members not in attendance: none
Quorum present? Yes / Provisional
Also Present Were: none
Approve agenda, and previous minutes.
- Approve the agenda
- Review previous meeting minutes
Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by XX, and seconded by XX to approve this meeting's proposed agenda (as amended?)
Unanimous approval.
Motion carried.
Approval of minutes: Motion was made by XX , and seconded by XX to approve the minutes (as amended?) of the XX meeting.
Unanimous approval.
Motion carried.
Officer's reports:
President Secretary Treasurer
Board and committee reports:
Were materials distributed at the meeting? If so, are copies or a link available?
Old business:
Subject title
MOTION - XX moved, and XX Seconded that:
Unanimous approval.
Motion Carried / Failed.
MOTION - XX moved, and XX Seconded that:
Unanimous approval.
Motion Carried / Failed.
New business:
Subject title
MOTION - XX moved, and XX Seconded that:
Unanimous approval.
Motion Carried / Failed.
Action Items:
XX moved for adjournment, it was seconded by XX.
The vote was unanimous, the meeting was adjourned at PM.
____________________________ ___________________
Secretary Date of approval
Eugene Maker Space