Event Check List

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Name the Event

What is a creative name for the event? Try to avoid ones like open house and membership drive. Some examples:

  • Make-O-Rama
  • MakesGiving
  • Fifth Annual Spring kick off! -- Come here to build your stuff!
  • Open House / Expo
  • Kick Off
  • Spring into Making
  • Making for Mom.

Pick a Day

Use the calendar list below to plan for a day free of other big events, we usually try to schedule these two or three months in advance. Also look for other local activities that you might not want to conflict with, and make sure to get buy-in and commitments from makers / presenters.

Plan Activities

Some possibilities are:


Take lots of pictures and, placing a couple of time lapse cameras is a great way to record the event for future reference. A few well chosen video clips are always good too.

  • Turn cameras off at night
  • Start them in the dark, then open the doors for good effect
  • Tape plugs in with Do Not Unplug signs

Call for Makers and Presenters

Send announcements to our members and friends for presenters.


Assign Tasks

  • Organizing Makers
  • Shop Cleanup
  • Bringing Refreshments
    • Restock plates, cups, and plastic utensils.
    • Get drinks, and snacks
    • Get Pizza!
      • Pegasus has good pizza and prices. Some example pies: Veggie Vortex, Poseidon, Pesto Pollo, Combo.
  • Ordering Electronic Kits, Rocket parts etc..
    • If you need them really soon, like overnight, then go to Amazon and search on soldering kits in the Games, or Electronics categories.
    • Select sort by price lowest first, and then click on the free shipping option on the left. You will get lots of Prime qualifying products along
    • with plain vanilla free shipping.
  • Restocking Sign-up forms, and fliers.
    • Organizing announcement board
    • Placing donation box
  • Greeter coordinator
  • Time laps Camera


Greeters should have assigned shifts to meet and greet people as they show up. They need a script with bullet points to introduce them to EMS and answer questions.

They should try to encourage membership sign-ups.


Shop cleanup two days before, and after the event.


  • Thank everyone
    • Send a nice post thanking all the exhibitors and major helpers.
    • Perhaps also thank some folks individually.
  • Collect pictures and add to photo album for the event
    • Stitch time lapse sequences together and perhaps add music
  • Collect receipts and do accounting for money spent
    File:EventCheckList.OpenHouse2 2MB.JPG
    File:EventCheckList.OpenHouse3 2MB.JPG

-- Main.ClifCox - 06 Nov 2014