EMS Space Budget Copy 1

From Eugene Maker Space
Space Budget Public1
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You can play around with this spreadsheet by clicking the edit buttons at the bottom of each table. Of if you're adventurous, you can click edit for the whole page and change the underlying calculations.

Our proposed revenue streams and rates

%EDITTABLE{ format="| label | text, 6 | label | label |" changerows="off" }%

Description Amount Formatted Notes
member Dues: 25 RIght now we only have one level of members.
Office Space / Sqft 2.5 We may have extra offices to sublet.
Shop Space / Sqft 2.5 Shop floor space used as work area.
Storage Space / Sqft 2.5 Shop floor space used as storage.
Shelf Space / Linerar foot 2 Shelf space 2 foot deep by X long.
Storage Space / Cuft 0.50 Cuft price for storage bins.
Gallery Space / Sqft 0 Vertical back board or shelves used for display.
Meeting room / hour 50 Other groups can use our meeting room(s) per hour.
Classes / hour 15 Student's cost of an hour of class.
EMS Class % 0.5 EMS portion of the gross class income.
Total Office Space 2900 Whatever isn't shop space, not used yet.
Total Shop Space 2500 Just the shop space, not used yet.
Total Space This would be used for cost / Sqft calcs.

Grants and Sponsorships Worksheet

Here you can set the income from grants and sponsorships. If you check the Counted? box then that row will end up in the total.

%EDITTABLE{ format="| text, 40 | checkbox, 1, Yes | text, 6, 0 | label, 0, %$nopCALC{%$nopGRANTS2%}% |" changerows="off" }%

Description Counted? Yearly ammount Monthly contribution
U of O grant 16500
Misc grant 1 5789
misc sponsorship 1 500
Misc sponsorship 2 0
Total Grant money / month

Classes Worksheet

Here you can play around with income from classes. If you check the Counted? box then that row will end up in the total hours.We may want different prices for each class, that's not hard to do.

%EDITTABLE{ format="| text, 40 | checkbox, 1, Yes | text, 2, 0 | text, 2, 0 | label, 0, %$nopCALC{%$nopCLASS1%}% | text, 2, 0 | label, 0, %$nopCALC{%$nopCLASS2%}% |" changerows="off" }%

Description Counted? Days / Mo Hours / Class Room Hours / Mo Enrollment Student Hours / Mo
Intro to blender and 3d modeling Yes 4 2 5
Basic modeling in blender Yes 3 3 3
Modeling for 3d printers Yes 3 2 4
Intro to Inkscape for cnc Yes 2 1 5
Intro to gimp 3 3 3
Intro to the arduino 4 3 8
Total Student hours / Month


Now we come to the bottom line :-)

%EDITTABLE{ format="| Label | text, 3 | text, 6 | label | text, 50 |" changerows="off" }%

Description Quantity Cost Each Extended Notes
Member's Dues 23
Pledges 1 $500.00 You can turn these off with a 0 just for grins.
Grants and Sponsorships 1 Same here.
Office 1 Rental 0 Front office with windows is 156.77 Sqft
Office 2 Rental 129 Middle office is 129.38 Sqft
Office 3 Rental 0 Last office is 151.11 Sqft
Meeting Room Hours 2
Class student hours Be carfull not to double schedule our one room.
Personal Shop Work Space 100
Personal Shop Storage Space 40
Shelf space by foot 40
Shelf space Cubic foot 0
Gallery Display Sqft 0
Total Income
Rent 1 $1400.00
Building Maintenance 1 0 On going not one time.
Property Tax 1 0
Insurance 1 $50.00
EWEB 1 $166.00
NWN Gas 1 $233.00
Trash pickup 0 $32.60 Sanipac: 1 yard $32.60 /mo, 1.5 yard $46.60 / mo
Internet 1 $50.00
Accountant / CPA 0 0
Teachers? 0 0 Probably handle this as a split of class proffits.
Cleaning / Janitorial 0 0
Tooling Consumables 1 0 Drill Bits, Sand paper etc...
Cleaning Consumables 0 $25.00 Soap, Paper towells, garbage bags.
Total Expenses
Net '


-- Main.ClifCox - 15 Jan 2014